Tips for the new investor

Tips for the New Investor

Buying a house is one of the biggest and scariest purchases most people will ever make. For a new investor, buying a house can be ten times scarier! There are obvious reasons for the anxiety, like the rehab cost being more than anticipated, the after repair value being less than anticipated, and the list goes on.  Here are three things a new investor should do before they begin making offers: 1. Know your Market! You have to Read More


Change is inevitable.  That’s a very common phrase, and generally true.  I can’t think of a single area of my life that hasn’t experienced change in one form or another.  This change can occur over a period of years, creeping up on you, stalking you like some jungle cat.  Or a velociraptor.  But sometimes, change is dropped in your lap.  It’s sudden, unexpected, and must be dealt with immediately.  Either way, you’re gonna have to Read More