You might have wondered who is the real Larry Goins? Not the Larry Goins that speaks from the stage on Real Estate Investing but the REAL Larry Goins. The man that family and co-workers see on a daily basis.

As Larry’s right hand “man” for most of the last 12 years, I thought I knew him pretty well until a few weeks ago. What happened a few weeks ago? Well, I detached myself from my job and became the student. I immersed myself in one of our Inner Circle programs and went through the entire week as a full on student. I gotta say….it was surprisingly enlightening. I saw for the first time through a different set of eyes. I saw his passion for teaching in all its glory.

It got me thinking. How did I miss this for so long? How do others here in the office see him? Had I been so immersed in the day to day business “to do” lists that I failed to see what he was actually contributing to the world? Had I really gotten caught up in the minutia of running a business that I had lost sight of things and the people around me?

I really wanted to see how Larry, as a person, was perceived by both old and new employees alike and my newfound impression held true.

Here are some quotes from staff, both old and new, in their own words when asked…How do you see Larry Goins both in the workplace and as a leader?

Andrew Kinne, Education Consultant, wrote: He is a great person who’s gone above and beyond the call of duty!

Daniel Boissonneault, Marketing Specialist, wrote: Larry, in my eyes, is a leader, entrepreneur, goal getter, and family man. He always has an answer to the questions before you ask them. Motivation is just the start when you meet Larry.

Dean West, Advanced Education Consultant, wrote: Larry is a man who is sincerely concerned about the well-being of his students and their passion to be successful in their investing of real estate. A man who is willing to share his knowledge of real estate to help others improve the quality of their lives.

Nathan Amaral, Head Coach, wrote: The Man, The Legend And The Myth. PS-Willing to listen, searches for answers and considers how others feel.

Cicely Mack, Accounting Manager, wrote: Larry always shows gratitude which helps develop a strong sense of self-worth that often outweighs the typical pat on the back. He also encourages interaction within our team so that we succeed or fail together.

Cortney King, Advanced Education Consultant, wrote: Larry is the! Hands down the best CEO I’ve ever worked for. I love the way he interacts with everyone. In other companies when do you ever get to cut up with the CEO??? I can’t think of any 🙂 He inspires me to be a better person and hands down a better employee! Larry has made this company a place you can come, make money, laugh ALOT, meet new people, and have a great non-stressful workplace!

James Rushing, Education Consultant, wrote: To me, Larry is a man of God and of family … He is a true leader … and cares about the people around him.

Deirdre Baker, Education Consultant, wrote: Larry is an enthusiastic and inspirational leader who not only tells you how to succeed but leads by daily example. Thanks, Larry!

Jim Adair, Education Consultant, wrote: I haven’t known Larry long professionally but what I see is a dedicated man of Faith, Family and eager to share. I have on the other hand known Larry personally for a long while and guess what, he is that same guy….authentic which is rare.

And last, but certainly not least, is Ron Devine, Advanced Education Consultant who wrote: Larry is the guy next door, extremely humble, a heart with no boundaries. Always looking to improve the lives of everyone he comes in contact with.

Hmmm….I think it’s pretty unanimous. Larry is an all around great guy and what you see at events and on stage is the same, exact man we see here at the office. Every. Single. Day. That’s right. Larry Goins comes into the office and mingles with us all on a daily basis, usually being the very last one to leave at the end of each day. You might be wondering, why would a man of his caliber and knowledge and “famousness” (yes, I know that’s not a real word), work in an office like a common staff member. The answer is simple. He IS one of us and he lives and breathes every single thing he teaches.

Isn’t that the type of mentor you want to hitch your wagon too?


#Coaching, #LarryGoins, #Mentor, #RealEstateInvesting, #TeamGoins
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