Real Estate Business – How to Get Started

When you begin your journey as a real estate investor, what you are really doing is starting a real estate business. Let that sink in a moment. You are starting your own real estate business. Does that fill you with excitement? Fear? Nervousness? Probably all of the above, but the only way to find success is to get out of your comfort zone, because that is where you will find true growth. It’s Your Real Read More

Challenges Facing Investors – Education

Larry and Randolph talk about education and why you need it. They chat about a lot of the ongoing education they get, as well as some ways you can Invest in Yourself. It is said it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in something. And getting there takes time. One way to shorten the process is to find someone you know, like and trust and learn everything you can with them. Get Your Content Read More