Thank you for registering for the Asset Protection for real estate investors event.
For a limited time, this exclusive event is being offered to Larry’s Inner Circle Students at no cost. Because this event will offer in depth strategies on how to protect your assets, and is free for Larry’s students, we are expecting available seats to run out quickly.
City And Dates
Charlotte, NC
June 27-29, 2014
Renaissance Charlotte Suites
2800 Coliseum Centre Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217
Event times are:
Friday Registration at 8:30am
Each Days Training runs from 9am – 5pm
Dress is business casual. *It is strongly recommended that you bring a sweater or light jacket as the room tends to vary in temperature.*
What to Bring:
- Notebook
- Pen or pencil
- Open, eager to learn mind
What NOT to Bring:
- Cell Phones (If you must bring, please turn ringer off while in seminar)
- Recording Devices of any type
- Laptops (we do not have outlets or internet in the room)
If you have any question, comments or concerns, feel free to call us in the office at (803) 831-0056. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, from 9am to 5pm eastern.